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acessos 64

Who owns the private trust company?



Iniciante DIVISÃO 2, Advogado(a)
há 3 anos Segunda-Feira | 8 março 2021 | 04:11

Shares in a Private Trust Company can be owned by the grantor or his family. That said, ownership will usually be recommended to be along with a purpose trust - direct ownership may be ugly for reasons relating to taxation, or property protection. It would also need to be thought to be given to the devolution of the shares in the Private Trust Company (PTC) on the death of the shareholder. A motive trust in this context means a trust that is set up to further non-charitable purposes. In the current case, this is likely to center around the giving of trusteeship services to a specific group of trusts. While in the past charitable cause trusts were also used for this cause, the elevated view among many practitioners is that this up questions as to whether there can speak to be any genuinely charitable intent,

Telma Contadora

Telma Contadora

Ouro DIVISÃO 3, Contador(a)
há 3 anos Segunda-Feira | 8 março 2021 | 12:53

Good afternoon

The debtor.


Telma, empresária, escritório contábil.
Contato: [email protected]

Consultoria para empresas, Professora , Contadora, MBA em Controladoria, Lato Sensu em Direito Tributário, MBA em Gestão de Pessoas, Coaching e Liderança.

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